Friday, February 13, 2009


I recently finished the binding on a new quilt and, of course, like any true quilter, I have to show it off. Since I was taking pictures, I thought I'd share a one of the first quilts I did as well, in honor of Valentines Day!! The first picture is a close-up of the corner of the "Hearts all Around" quilt. It is a scrappy quilt using lots of 2 inch squares. It was the project in the first quilt class I took with my good friend Barb. By the way Barb, did you ever finish your quilt?????

Close up of the corner.


Hearts all Around....

This is where you ooooh and aaaah!

This is the one I just finished, it's called "Heavenly Stars", I think because you needed the patience of a saint to piece all the one inch strips that go in to it! However, the finished quilt is worth it!

Couldn't you get a "heavenly" nights sleep under this?

Hope you enjoyed.


  1. Your quilts are lovely! And I am so glad you are doing well...wish I would have been there for the Bruce Jr joke. Enjoy your time off!

  2. I love that second one. How's your reading coming along? How many thousand pages do you still have to read?

  3. Thanks Sonia and Janet. Sonia, you would have loved the joke, it was pretty funny. Janet, I'm about 1500 pages in and still reading!

  4. Enjoyed? Enjoyed? I needed a tissue for my chin. *sigh*

    Girl, you've quite a talent there. Both are gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing.
