Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Two Girls

Our little dog "Gidget" loves to keep me company. While I am sewing, she lays by my feet, she especially likes to surprise me and run the foot pedal for me when I least expect it! She loves to do Bible Study with me. As I sit in my chair with my Bible and reference books all around, she sits faithfully next to me, watching each page turn. If I set a book down, she lays a paw on it to keep the page marked for me. I'm pretty sure she loves the Word of God, either that or she knows she'll be pet every time I mover her off of a book! Gidget had a rough early life, ended up in a shelter, adopted by my daughter and son-in-law and then passed on to me. She would love to sleep with me at night, but is smart enough to know to jump down the minute she spots Bruce!

Gidget and Maggie are best friends, even though they are quite different. Maggie lives to eat and play. That's it. If she has her two meals a day, and a little romp or wrestle she knows her day is complete.

Between the two of them, I'm never alone, and always well protected (at least they like to think they are tough)!!

1 comment:

  1. Aww.

    Gidget and Maggie are both so cute, as are your descriptions of them. Each is surely a delight in her own, special way. Ü
