Thursday, January 20, 2011

Week 3 Dinner

This week it was Chicken Perigord. Very tasty dish of browned chicken breasts and portabello mushrooms in a creamy sauce. Bruce had requested this one and remembered me making it many years ago. When I pulled out my old "Good Housekeeping Illustrated Cookbook" I found I had dated and commented on this recipe the first time I made it. Way back on January 12, 1983!!
Some recipes hold up over the test of time. I served it with green beans and kept the meal simple. I'm realizing, though, that if I keep up this challenge, I need to improve on my culinary photography!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Laurel, you made me laugh. Your closing caused me to study the photo, at which point I noticed green beans threatening to escape. Okay, Bobby Flay might best you on plating in this one. [Love your dishes.] But very impressive, locating your 28-year-old recipe, to your husband's pleasure. Great job!
