Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

We had a great Mother's Day this year. Bruce bought me a cool piece of furniture to store my quilts in. He and my cousin, John, drove to North Phoenix, hauled it back home and lugged the 7 foot tall, incredibly heavy piece up to the second story for me - how luck am I? (I have been informed they are never moving it again, and it will be sold with the house!). I'll post pics once it's all filled up. Can't wait.

Sara and Peyton spent Mother's Day evening with us and we had a yummy meal cooked by Bruce, and lots of fun presents. Peyton (with a little help from his "Papa") picked a little stuffed mouse for his mom that tells her how much he likes her! You have to be a mom to appreciate that a stuffed little mouse from a two year old makes you tear up. It was really sweet. He was so proud of himself. She even got a Woody and Buzz themed Mother's Day card!

And I was the proud recipient of a bracelet with charms proclaiming I am a Mother and Grandmother, I love it!!

Peyton loves his swing on the back porch and can spend hours in it.

His mommy loved her mouse and her "Woody and Buzz" card.

He helped me showoff my new "Grandma" and "Mother" charms...

and we all had a Happy Mother's Day!
Hope you all did, too!

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, what a lovely celebration you and your daughter were granted, and it's nice to see and share the joy. The little mouse, meaningful jewelry, and the towering, lugged armoire are equal delights. ºÜº

    [Okay, maybe that mouse is a little more equal than the others. ;o)]
