Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thirty One Years

Thirty one years ago yesterday, at 7pm in the evening, in Hillcrest Covenant Church, Bruce and I were married. We had been on our first date exactly 5 months earlier and after 6 weeks of dating decided to get engaged (yes EVERYONE thought we were nuts)! It's funny to see how young we were.

And now, 31 years, 2 children, 1 grandchild, 4 houses, 4 dogs, 2 cats, 1 bunny and untold gerbils later, we are still standing. We both believed in the covenant we made that day, and through God's grace still love and appeciate each other. I'm so blessed and thankful for my husband.
Who would have thought that 31 years later those two cuckoo kids from Kansas would still be having adventures together? It just keeps getting better!


  1. Congratulations!!!! Hope you had a wonderful day together!

  2. "Untold gerbils later" haha that's classic :)
