Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Peyton started swimming lessons yesterday! Since Sara and Scott both work, Bruce and I get to take him to his lessons. He doesn't like the lessons, but in spite of the whining, his teacher, Kristi, gets him going. He has started putting his face in the water, swimming towards the wall, and the beginning steps to roll over to his back to get air. Now, let me tell you, he is not at all convinced that these are skills that are necessary for his lifestyle. He likes to tell Kristi he is "done". However, she seems to be able to let him know that he has to keep going for his entire 10 minutes.

Here he is swimming to the wall, he is starting to learn about kicking, too.

That look on his face when he's floating on his back, is NOT one of relaxation!

One more swim to the wall. It's not possible to whine while swimming!! I know I'm biased, but I think he is an awsome swimmer. And, since there was another near drowning here in Phoenix today, I'm hoping someday he'll be glad he endured this torture!!

1 comment:

  1. Laurel, Peyton's performing excellently. Just look at his little submerged face. That, alone, is a big event. I can imagine how fun it is to watch his lessons. What a privilege. Ü
