Tuesday, June 29, 2010

He's Three, YeeHaww!!

Peyton is officially 3 years old today! Hard to believe how fast time goes. Since he's so smitten with Toy Story, his birthday weekend revolved around everything "Woody and Buzz"! After seeing the movie on Friday night, he was ready the next day to put out the balloon so everyone would know which house was having the party.

Then a quick photo of the official party shirt....

Activities included a Toy Story bouncy house and a toy story slip and slide, here's the party boy showing his moves...

Party food included pizza, Capri Suns and fruit (to make all the adults feel better)...

followed by everyone's favorite thing, opening the toys!! Appropriately enough, all presents seemed to follow the Toy Story theme (wish I owned stock in Woody and Buzz!).

And then, the big moment the candle and the cake!!
Even though the average age of the attendees was 3, it was one of the best parties I've ever been to! However, I'm not sure who was more tired at the end of the day, the kids or the parents. Happy Birthday, Peyton!


  1. It's been fun watching on your blog as your grandson grows. I can hardly believe he's 3 years old now. The tale is sweet, and my photo faves are the shirt and the birthday boy bustin' a move on the slip-'n'-slide. Ü Beautiful photo of Mama holding her son; must make your heart swell.

  2. Sorry we missed getting birthday greetings off to Peyton. We were at our nephew's wedding by Green Bay. The kids came from Nebraska for the wedding also and came back here and stayed until this morning. We had a great time. Tell Peyton Happy Birthday from us. It sure looks like he had a good one.
